It is important to indulge them to easy exercises. For most teenagers, feeling cheerful one time, excited the next, and being sad or low after is just a normal thing for them. These feelings are often brought about by several factors that can be emotional, physical, psychological, social, or a combination of any of these.
The parents-teen relationship often changes. Teens look at their privacy as very important, and their mood swings are often signs that they’re becoming more mature and independent. Nevertheless, parents still need to guide and support their teens at such a crucial time.
Now that there are behavior changes to be expected with your teens, communicating with them would require a different tack. Now, if you want your kids to stay healthy, you have to make them easy exercises without making them feel that they’re exercising. Teens are more likely to enjoy a sedentary life, given the prevalence of computer and video games. So how do you make your kids exercise without their knowledge? You make the activities fun for them to enjoy. How? Make it a game through easy exercises!

With innovations in technology, teens have been living a sedentary lifestyle. So, as a parent, you have to make sure that your teens do easy exercises.
Ten Fun and Easy Exercises
1. Do Hurdles
You already know that jumping is great for your kids. Test their flexibility and give them a bit of a challenge by making them jump over different hurdles. If you think this activity is too little, make them crawl or set some goals for them to achieve at every point.
2. Do Superhero Training
Most kids love superheroes making it very easy for them to mimic the movements of their favorite heroes. Do a pseudo-training for your “superheroes” by putting up orange cones on your yard. Train your “heroes” by having them shuffle back and forth between the cones. If you want, creating your superhero obstacles to overcome would be even better.
3. Do Yoga
Aside from adults, yoga is also suitable for kids to make their muscles strong, their core strength improved, and their motor skills developed. To make it even better, let your kids make faces to release tension and exercise their facial muscles.
4. Enjoy Video Games
Not all video games are bad. Some are designed to make you enjoy physical activities like balancing, skiing, or dancing. If you have a video where dance steps are being shown, make your kids follow.
5. Organize Playground Olympics
If your playground happened to have some pretty good equipment: swings, bar climbs, monkey bars, or slide down slides, then you can easily make your Olympic games on your playground. Have your kids go through all those equipment in a definite order. The first one to finish will win.
6. Get the Groove on with a Hoop Dance
Whether your kid is a boy or a girl, hula-hooping is one activity that you can perform anywhere, anytime. It’s effortless and fun because all you have to do is wiggle your way on the hoop. What makes this exercise very good is that it builds core strength and also helps improve your kid’s body rhythm and coordination.
7. Play with Balloons
Kids always love balloons, and there are many things that you can do to enjoy playing with them. For one, you can ask your kids to make their balloons stay afloat using any parts of their body. You can also target water balloons and reward your kid who gets the perfect aim.
8. Try Trampoline Jumping
Everybody can enjoy using a trampoline because all you have to do is jump on it. Studies even show that 10 minutes of trampoline jumping is equivalent to a half-hour of running. Another reason why you should do this activity is that jumping promotes the development of a child’s motor skills, especially with the body’s balance and coordination. To make jumping safe, make use of a safety net and try some fun moves to make your game even more exciting.
9. Use an Exercise Ball
Kids cannot resist the fun that comes with using a big and bouncy exercise ball. According to Steve Ettinger, a kids’ fitness expert based in New York City, even children as young as five years old can reap the benefits of using an exercise ball. Just do some balance exercises using the ball to improve your child’s stability, strength, and balance.
10. Flash Some Cards
If you want various activities for your kids and you want to make it somewhat spontaneous, using flashcards would be best. All you have to do is write fun activities on the flashcard that can be done indoors or outdoors. Let your kids pick their cards and perform the actions written on theirs.
Fun Physical Activities and Easy Exercises for Your Kids
Try any of these games and make it the most fun for your kids. Remember, kids enjoy “physical games” more than exercising so it would be best if you can engage them in any of these activities. Make your kids more active through play and you never have to dread about them not being fit due to lack of exercise.