Discover the 4 things you must do to beat Procrastination
Clarissa Leary is a Certified Magnetic MindsSuperconscious Coach, with a successful record in property development and multiple business ventures. She helps aspiring entrepreneurs overcome their limitations and consciously manifest the life that is aligned with their true desires using the superconscious transformation method. She has had her fair share of life challenges but that hasn’t stopped her from pursuing a life of fun, family, wealth and abundance. From living in a public housing area and experiencing life-shattering trauma and family violence, Clarissa knows what you are feeling. She disliked school. She hated her life. She experienced an endless cycle of disappointment and hopelessness, but after giving birth to her first child, she once again found a purpose for living, a reason to reach for something more.
Her change came in 2003, in the form of property investing and personal development, while training with some of the world’s most Influential Entrepreneurs. She spent many years seeking out personal development programs and discovered how to heal and reprogram herself to get through the sabotages and procrastination that seem to haunt her.
Today, she is known for her personal drive as a Superconscious Coach and her willingness to pass on her secrets to help aspiring entrepreneurs rapidly achieve their “Freedom Business”, create fulfilling personal relationships, and live a life of genuine, sustainable freedom. By becoming a Superconscious Coach, she has created a multi-million dollar Tourism Business and a property development portfolio of over $8.6 million, Clarissa Leary’s story has inspired both women and men to pick up the pieces and make simple changes that alter their life’s course using the revolutionary process called ‘Rapid Recode‘, a technique that recodes your brain and remove your biggest inner blocks and stuck emotions so you can create your high-performance magnetic mind. Using the Superconscious Transformation method, she has helped men and women let go of their resistance and move forward to become the conscious creator of their own life, start their dream business or get into the property market, achieving success, and learning to love themselves again through mental reprogramming.
Clarissa’s dream is to help aspiring entrepreneursmanifest what they desire faster by aligning their minds and removing their doubt through “Rapid Recode”. You may book your FREE session HERE and harness the power of your superconsious! Experience rapid transformation NOW!
You can BE, DO and HAVE anything you want.
CAN help you
property investors
If you are in the property investing or development industry and you find you just can’t seem to upscale or get that 1 big project or you stuck at investment property number 3 or so. I can teach you property strategies and how to create your ideal property investing growth through our powerful
Mind Magnet Experience.
If you experience
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Resentment
- Overwhelmed
- Long
if you have ever felt
- stressed
- anxious
- overwhelmed
- fed up
- angry
Book a 30 minute chat with Clarissa and start creating your every dreams.
book a call now
Build your hunger for growth and learning.
Learn from the
in the world!
I’ve tasted success, but in 2011 to 2012 I hit a personal (and business) flat spot. I took a big hit on a property development joint venture. I was struggling financially and emotionally, causing relationship problems. I received the GIN United™ Your Wish is Your Command (YWYC) from a friend. I started listening and simply could not stop. Everything that I needed and felt was missing was right there. Almost immediately, things started happening. My finances improved. I was feeling more confident every day. I had my passion back for business. A new focus was lifting me and amazing new opportunities where blowing my mind. Business ventures are now fun and exciting and very, very rewarding… and my relationship is stronger, too. I want to show as many people as I can the GIN United™ program and show them how they can improve their life, relationships, and business outcomes.
It’s Simple, Easy and Fun!